Feb 2, 2019
The Anthem (Washington, Washington, D.C.)
Tour Rarity Rank: 25th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. This Heart of MineCover
2 of 8
103 of 169
2. Dealing Despair
3 of 10
91 of 174
3. While I'm Waiting Here
4 of 13
168 of 323
4. Pyramid Country
6 of 17
172 of 361
5. Me and My UncleCover
2 of 3
55 of 101
6. Turmoil & Tinfoil
5 of 15
189 of 355
7. Running on EmptyTour DebutCover
1 of 4
3 of 36
8. On the Line
3 of 9
98 of 211